Attention! EmergencyID has ceased operations in Canada. This store is now closed.
Orders placed before the closure of the store will be fulfilled before the end of October.
Existing Datafiles will still be accessible through the code entry tab above until November 18th, 2024, at which time the datafile service will be taken offline permanently. Modification of existing datafiles is no longer available.
We are unfortunately no longer able to offer product replacements, repairs, or modifications.
All personal medical information will be deleted from our secure database by November 19th, 2024. All customer information from our store, such as names, and shipping and email addresses, will be deleted by November 31, 2024. This is to ensure that your data remains confidential.
Thank you to all of our customers, partners, and retail locations for your support since our founding in 2015. We encourage you to continue using your EmergencyID products as long as they remain medically accurate; they were created to last a lifetime.
Please direct any questions or concerns to Service may be slower than expected as we wind down.